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For providers

Whether you are a physician, therapist, nurse, dietitian, or any non-specialist provider who encounters someone with eating disorder symptoms in your practice, it is important to know the best way to direct your patients for care. 


Below is a compilation of screening tools, national organizations and educational resources to help you along the way.

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Screening Tools

The first step to determining if a patient needs referral to the providers on our local resources page

is to screen the patient for an eating disorder. Below are a series of screening tools available.

Eating Disorder Support Groups

It is also important to know where support groups can be accessed. Find a list of local and national resources below. 

National Organizations

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Training Opportunities


Non-Specialist Provider Training Modules

This training effort was made possible by a grant made to Willamette Nutrition Source, LLC from the Inter-Community Health Network Coordinated Care Organization (IHN CCO) which serves Linn, Benton and Lincoln counties.


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