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Educators, school nurses, counselors and coaches are an important first line of defense for many families whose children are struggling with eating disorders.


Below is a compilation of screening tools, national organizations and educational resources to help you along the way.

NEDA Toolkits


The NEDA Educator Toolkit is a resource for educators, staff who work in a school setting or those who work with youth outside of school. If you want to understand more about eating disorders, if you’d like to know how to support students and young people who may be affected, this information will help you.

Screening Tools

The first step to determining if a students needs referral to the providers on our local resources page

is to screen the patient for an eating disorder. Below are a series of screening tools available.

National Organizations

iaedp logo.png


Please feel free to print these off and share!

Eating Disorder Support Groups

It is also important to know where support groups can be accessed. Find a list of local and national resources below. 

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